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Dog Training Fundamentals PLUS

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"Increasing Manners and Control Where You Need It The Most: In Your Everyday Life!

3 weeks  $3,250


Why Dog Training Fundamentals Plus?


Dog Training Fundamentals is not only the best entry-level dog training program we’ve ever created, it’s the best we’ve ever seen. Is it possible for Dog Training Fundamentals to be even better? Absolutely! That’s our Dog Training Fundamentals plus!


Our Dog Training Fundamentals PLUS adds two key exercises to Dog Training Fundamentals: the relaxed heel and the down-in-motion. Naturally the relaxed heel and the down-in-motion can be used anywhere, and under any distraction. As far as we’re concerned outdoor functionality, including out in public, is just a side benefit. We are convinced if you choose to enroll your dog in our Dog Training Fundamentals PLUS program, the relaxed heel and down-in-motion will become the two most used commands in your everyday life.


Relaxed Heel


Our Relaxed Heel exercise means with a single command "With Me" your dog runs to your side, and remains by your side, whether walking, running, jogging or standing still.


Imagine your dog has impeccable manners when greeting guests. There will be some guests who are just not interested in being greeted. The relaxed heel is the perfect command to use when answering the door. When the doorbell rings a simple command “with me” instructs your dog to run to your side, and remain by your side until told otherwise. That includes while answering the door, and leading guests into your home.


Let’s say you have an insecure, or aggressive dog. There are guests that might intimidate your dog. Keeping your dog beside you instills a feeling of being safe and secure. There are so many functional uses for our relaxed heel, it will quickly become your go-to way of managing your dog around people, and maybe even spending more time together.




We liken the down-in-motion to teaching a child how to slide into a base when first learning to play baseball. There is nothing natural about going from vertical to horizontal while running. It's a learned skill, and a pretty useful one. The same is true of performing the down at a distance, and especially while moving. Your dog being able to down on command anywhere, anytime, at any distance and under any distraction means complete control. This does not come natural. It's a learned skill extremely time consuming to teach.


The down-in-motion also integrates perfectly into the relaxed heel when managing your dog around guests. Imagine your doorbell rings. You calmly give your dog the command “with me” which instructs your dog to come to your side, and remain by it, as you make your way to the door. Knowing your guest is afraid of dogs you may choose to simply give the command to “lay down” while in route. Your dog is strategically positioned out of the way so your guest is welcomed into your home, and is able to make their way to wherever they will be seated without having to directly encounter your dog. Your dog just remains quietly in the “down” until told otherwise. You can now choose to have your dog return to your side (relaxed heel), go to their bed and remain there (bedtime command), “down” in a new location or anything else that serves the situation.


It's also the most useful command when you have young children. Dogs and children together can often mean chaos. A simple "down" commands brings about an end to that chaos. At least your dog's part in it.


Leash Manners, Off-leash Recall


Of course these two commands are added to our Dog Training Fundamentals base program which includes leash manners (if you choose to use one) and an off-leash recall under distraction.



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