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Life's an adventure. Prepare for it!

An off-leash K9 training program
for the modern dog.

For dogs everything’s an adventure; being brought to a cookout, a hike in the woods, running on a beach, tagging along at a café or even just doing errands.

4 weeks |  $4,500

Every day adventures, whether exhilarating or mundane, require preparation if you want instant control in the midst of heightened distractions. Our Life’s an Adventure dog training program prepares you, and your dog, to enjoy these adventures together.


Obedience Exercises


This advanced off-leash K9 training program starts by adding new obedience skills to the Naked Obedience Fundamentals foundation:


Sit-in-motion: sit anywhere anytime even if moving when the command is given

Down-in-motion: down anywhere anytime even while running in the opposite direction

Formal Heel: dog’s should shall remain by left leg

Relaxed Heel: Remain within 2 foot radius:

Formal recall: spin around on a dime to come

Mazie: Remain within a 15 foot radius


Distractions and Sabotage


Once the new off-leash K9 training exercises are complete we take distraction training to extremes, add in counter commands and extreme sabotage. This prepares you, and your dog, to go out and explore life together! These extremes lead to greater levels of freedom than most dogs will ever get to experience.


Distractions: use toys, food, objects and other dogs (dogs must be able to step on and over them while in down command)

False commands: teaches to zero in on actual command

Counter commands: teaches to remain under command of handler

Environmental stress: new environments, unstable environments; environmental stressors

Resist forced disobedience: resist being pulled out of sit, down and even heel


Obviously our training isn't designed to prepare a dog for these specific stressors in real life. We are intentionally trying to surpass what most active well-traveled dogs will likely ever encounter. That's what makes everyday adventures so easy after this dog training program.


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